In a Sunny Place One Must Choose Their Shade Wisely
The good news is that we can spray-finish any obtainable colour. The not-so-good news is that results can vary depending on the colour that you choose. The two most significant factors that cause your outdoor metal furniture to deteriorate is the sun and Bermuda’s salt water environment. In our experience the best solution to delaying […]
The Sloop, There It Is.
The Spirit of Bermuda has provided team-building opportunities to THOUSANDS of students in Bermuda since 2006. We recently stripped and refinished the sloop’s cowl vents, and used high-quality marine paints to guarantee longevity of finish in a salt water environment. The Bermuda Sloop Foundation is solely reliant on charitable donations to cover their operating expenses, […]
An Historical Property & Its ‘Character Defining Features’
Old Bermuda homes are often discussed with gleeful romanticism; wooden flooring, windows and doors, limestone walls, purposeful rooms, and elegant curvature in masonry details. When one acquires such a home they are committing themselves to both ownership and custodianship, an obligation to preserve what the Bermuda Department of Planning refers to as ‘Character Defining Features’. […]