Accoya Takes on Bda’s Humidity
If there is one thing we can all agree on is that Bermuda is a very humid place. Great for the nice year round weather but havoc on our houses and belongings. It’s hard to find materials that are stable and can stand up to the challenge. Dimensional stability can be defined as the degree […]
8 Tips to Care for Your Wood
Spring is all about giving things a new life and vigor. So while you’re planting a garden or dusting out your garage here are 8 tips for giving your home and wooden furniture new life. 1. Dust often: Small particles of dust may seem harmless, but enough buildup can scratch the wood’s finish. Dust at […]
Refresh Your Old Furniture

Summer is well on its way and that means bringing out and cleaning your beaten up and rusting patio furniture. After months being neglected there’s still hope. Old furniture, be it indoors or out, can be brought back to life by stripping and refinishing them. As our founding division and obviously our namesake, our Stripping […]