When looking for materials for a project we search for something that is not only beautiful but is also durable and performs well. That’s where Accoya comes in. A treated wood, Accoya has become the benchmark for scientists against which other treatments and modified timbers are measured.
Reliability is exactly what Accoya wood gives. Their wood has been thoroughly tested for dimensional stability, durability, UV resistance, paint retention and in-ground conditions to ensure optimal performance. It consistently performs above and beyond expectations, making their product a reliable material to use in projects.
Extensive laboratory and field testing by leading institutes around the world (including in New Zealand, USA, UK, Sweden, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Netherlands and Japan) has shown the performance of acetylated wood to be extremely reliable.
It’s durability is what make’s it so consistent. Whilst some wood species are naturally durable, natural durability is known to be a variable and inconsistent property. Accoya wood, on the other hand, is consistently durable. The properties of every batch are analyzed by standard scientific measurements after modification, enabling its durability to at least match and even exceed the performance of nature’s most durable species, including teak.
Most wood will eventually shrink or warp over time, especially when left in the elements. However Accoya’s modified wood process significantly reduces this by 75% or more making it an excellent choice to use structurally. The wood can be flexible and workable without the risk of warping or shrinking.
Accoya wood has been modified right through to the core and the acetylation process does not weaken the original wood – in fact, its hardness is improved – nor does it compromise its bending strength. Therefore combined with exceptional durability and stability Accoya wood can be an ideal material for structural requirements and has been used in bridges and other large structures around the world
Cellulose is a major structural ingredient of wood but it is also a major food source for several different insects and decay fungi and makes a great shelter for others, too. Rot causes wood to degrade – particularly when it is used outdoors and exposed to moisture – limiting its service life. Thanks to the acetylation technology pioneered by Accsys Technologies, Accoya wood offers you an environmentally compatible, durable wood that can be used with confidence in outdoor applications and will last for many, many years.
The cherry on top is, durable woods tend to be slower growing species, whereas Accoya is made using fast growing, sustainably forested radiata pine, so old growth forests are not threatened or depleted to create Accoya.
Accoya Wood’s durability makes it a strong choice for any project:
– 50 years above ground, 25 years in-ground or freshwater contact
– Swelling and shrinkage reduced by 75% or more
– Paints and varnished last 3 or 4 times longer
– Accoya wood forms an effective barrier to mold and insect attack
– Doors and windows open effortlessly year round
– Reduced maintenance costs
– durability, surpassing even teak
– Virtually rot proof
– 70 year minimum service life stated by TRADA
– Ideal for all decking situations in extreme temperatures
– Low thermal gain
– Splinters are much less than other wood species when used for decking
Check out their latest video on why they have become the go to choice for sustainable wood and why they are the benchmark for modified woods: